Project EU-OBP: European Open Badges Platform wants to assess, develop and promote the common EU platform for digital badges, targeted at adult education organizations, adult educators and adult learners that also represent the main target groups.

Target group of the project:

Adult education organizations, adult educators and adult learners; decision makers in the adult education field, researchers in HR and training, educators’ associations, adult education associations, NGO’s…

Objectives of the project:

a) Project EU-OBP wants to upgrade results from 2 Erasmus+ projects (iYOT, and OBADE, with participation of previously included organizations and two new partners.

b) Partners will research available projects, platforms or organizations to deliver the complete EUOBP web platform with » Reader«, “Toolbox”, » Guidelines«, all available as open source.

c) Partners want to promote open badges for recognition of “soft skills” and 8 key competences in EU area, and anticipate at least 500 open badges for adult education available on the platform until the end of project.